About Bradley

Bradley Wilson, Ph.D., MJE, teaches a variety of classes including artificial intelligence, reporting, advanced reporting, ethics, photojournalism, media management and media history at schools and workshops worldwide. He worked as a university associate professor for nearly a decade and is now the student media adviser at Leander High School (Texas). He is the editor of the magazine of the national Journalism Education Association. He has received the Gold Key from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, the Pioneer Award from the National Scholastic Press Association, the Carl Towley Award from the Journalism Education Association, the Star of Texas from the Association of Texas Photography Instructors and named a Texas Treasure by the Texas Association of Journalism Educators.

Don’t be afraid of what’s new

Regardless of whether the staff members are future engineers, poets, doctors, lawyers, police officers or teachers, these schools are doing their staff members a favor by teaching them teamwork, leadership skills and time management as they take new online technologies, including social media, and use them to their fullest extent.

By |2011-03-06T17:24:52-06:00March 6th, 2011|From Bradley|0 Comments
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