All materials copyright BRADLEY WILSON or others as indicated. Appropriate copyright notices appear on each handout. Handouts may be printed and distributed by individuals and may be used for classroom distribution. They may NOT be reprinted or distributed online or by e-mail without the express permission of the author. They may not be altered in any way.

DESIGN WITH FLAIR Now it its third edition, this publication is a quick overview to basic publication design for newspapers and yearbooks. It includes an overview of design fundamentals by Pat Brittain and an introduction to typography by Laura Schaub. It also includes a few ready-to-copy exercises. CLICK HERE to view 


ALTERNATIVE STORY FORMS Andy Bechtel of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill explores the various forms of secondary readings that make copy not only more informative but more visual appealing as well. This article was originally published in Communication: Journalism Education Today and ©JEA. CLICK HERE to view
ALTERNATIVE STORY FORMS Here is a presentation I created on alternative story forms, also called storytelling devices. It serves as an introduction for both newspaper and magazine work on everything from lists to timelines to infographics. It should include a discussion of the difference between entry points and alternative story forms and of the importance of teamwork. CLICK HERE to view
And CLICK HERE to view a good presentation from The Oregonian on the same topic.
And CLICK HERE to view another fun presentation from the Des Moines Register on the same topic.

HOW TO GET THE FIGURE YOU WANT A survey of media advisers determined that Times 10/12 was the most popular body copy font, size and leading. This one-page summary shows what the other popular body copy fonts were and why along with some suggestions for picking a body copy font. CLICK HERE to view 


HOW TO GET THE FIGURE YOU WANT This presentation goes over the basics of choosing a body copy font, including showing numerous examples of fonts and their use. CLICK HERE to view