Employment | Education | Awards | Books, Articles, Publications | Presentations | Other Activities
Research writings and presentations
- The Best of Texas Scholastic Photography, v5, editor, spring 2023. This volume represents selections of images from 2017-2022 ATPI contests, about 34,947 images. Includes 1,008 images including 895 from 562 student photographers attending 102 Texas schools Taught by 118 instructors.
- Cary Area EMS: A 50 Year History, fall 2021, Lulu — a 208-page book full of original research detailing the history and evolution of this North Carolina organization. Book includes 10 interviews, 560 hours research and production, 589 images selected from 13,054, selections from 208 news articles, 3,223 official documents, 812 financial documents and 336 other documents.
- Current Issues and Events Notes, fall 2019, Hexco
- Current Issues and Events Notes, fall 2018, Hexco
- Co-editor, Association of Texas Photography Instructors, The Best of Texas High School Photography, vol. 4, Friesens publishing, fall 2017
- Current Issues and Events Notes, fall 2017, Hexco
- Author, “EMS denied 15 minutes of fame: Newspaper coverage of pre-hospital healthcare related to policy change” in Social, Economic, and Political Perspectives on Public Health Policy-Making, Rahmatollah Gholipour and Khadijeh Rouzbehani, editors, March 2016
- Photojournalism: Telling Stories with Images. Marceline, Mo.: Walsworth, Inc., 2014. A 42-page workbook containing five sections with numerous exercises in each: Basics of the Camera and How It Captures Images, Settings on the Camera and How to Use Them, How to Get the Most when Faced with Different Lighting Situations, Composition of Photos and Teamwork in Telling the Best Story with Photos.
- Co-editor, Association of Texas Photography Instructors, The Best of Texas High School Photography, vol. 3, Friesens publishing, fall 2012
- Chapter, Balfour publishing, The Definitive Guide to Yearbooks, fall 2011
- Design chapter, Friesens Corporation yearbook guide, first edition, fall 2011
- Workbook to accompany Tim Harrower’s Newspaper Designer’s Handbook, sixth edition, 2007
- Journalism Today, co-author, 1999
- Journalism Today Teachers Resource Book, author, 1999
Refereed journals
- “The Pandemic’s First Draft: From the Magnificent to the Murky and the Mundane, Scholastic Media Continue Publishing Despite Closure,” Top Six Paper Award, Southwest Education Council for Journalism and Mass Communication, published spring 2022 Southwestern Mass Communication Journal
- “‘Shades of Gray: Print and Video Photojournalists Display Different Ethical Standards” published spring 2022 Journal of Media Law & Ethics 10(1)
- Book Review: Manipulating the Masses, scheduled for publication in fall Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly
- “Journalism History: How Scholastic Media Covered 9/11” published on the AEJMC Journalism History Division website, Nov. 8, 2021.
- Hull, Kevin and Bradley Wilson. “Journalism or Public Relations? Coverage of Sports Teams in High School Journalism Programs.” Journal of Sports Media, vol. 15 no. 1, 2020, p. 29-50. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/jsm.2020.0000.
- “It’s About More Than Money: Adviser Qualifications, Racial Makeup of Staff and School Location Predict Scholastic Media Success,” Southwestern Mass Communication Journal, 34(2), spring 2019.
- “Rights Still Protected at Schoolhouse Gate: Work-for-hire Policy for Student Journalists Fails to Diffuse Across District Boundaries,” published in Communication Law Review, fall 2017.
- “The Press and Coverage of Overpopulation” in Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications, 2017. Available online.
- “The Use and Manipulation of Graphic, Spot News Images: Non-photographers More Tolerant of Digital Manipulation.” In Journal of Media Law and Ethics, 5(1/2), spring 2016. Available online.
- “Applying Ethical Principles in the Photojournalism Classroom: A Case Study in Values-Based Education in a Student Media.” In peer-reviewed The International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum, Volume 22, Issue 4, pp.95-104. Article: Print (Spiral Bound). Published online: July 27, 2015.
- “Digital Ethics in an Age of Instantaneous Publication.” In peer-reviewed College Media Review, vol. 51: February 2015.
- “Guiding Principles in an Age of Instantaneous Publication.” In peer-reviewed College Media Review, vol. 52: August 2014.
- Book review for AEJMC publication: The Old Editor Says: Maxims for Writing and Editing, by John E. McIntyre | Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly March 2014 91: 215-216, doi:10.1177/1077699013519923
- Book review for AEJMC publication: Picturing Afghanistan: The Photography of Foreign Conflict, by Paul Verschueren | Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly June 2014 91: 416-418, doi:10.1177/1077699014531211
- Book review for AEJMC publication: Reporting Disasters: Famine, Aid, Politics and the Media, by Suzanne Franks | Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly September 2014 91: 607-609, doi:10.1177/1077699014541786f
- Book review for AEJMC publication: Media Ethics at Work: True Stories from Young Professionals, edited by Lee Anne Peck and Guy S. Reel | Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly March 2015 92: 242-243, doi:10.1177/1077699015569232b
- Book review for AEJMC publication: Reporting Under Fire: 16 Daring Women War Correspondents and Photojournalists, by Kerrie Logan Hollihan | Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly December 2015 92: 1061-1063, doi:10.1177/1077699015610327oo
Editor-approved publications
- “JEA Contests” a historical article on how contests of the Journalism Education Association have evolved written as part of association’s 100th anniversary in Communication: Journalism Education Today, winter 2024
- “Fact vs. Opinion” by Bradley Wilson with Abby Turner in Communication: Journalism Education Today, fall 2024
- “JEA Media” a historical article on how media of the Journalism Education Association have evolved written as part of association’s 100th anniversary in Communication: Journalism Education Today, fall 2024
- “Executive Directors Provide Continuity for Organization” by Bradley Wilson and Linda Puntney in Communication: Journalism Education Today, summer 2024.
- “The National Convention: ‘It Is Everything and Adviser Could Wish For.” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, summer 2024.
- “Society, Movies and Artificial Intelligence” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, summer 2024.
- “Artificial Intelligence and Photojournalism” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, summer 2024.
- “Words of the Year” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, spring 2024.
- “Guide to Buying a Camera” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, winter 2023.
- “Shooting Fireworks” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, fall 2023.
- Wilson, Bradley. (2023, July 24). Editor challenges students: get ‘fired up’. College Media Review.
- Wilson, Bradley. (2023, March 26). Despite weather, photographers continue to document New York experience. College Media Review.
- “The 2022 words of the year” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, spring 2023.
- “Pantone’s new color for 2023 fits mood of modern culture” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, spring 2023.
- “The UV filter” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, spring 2023.
- “Placing captions” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, winter 2022.
- “Redesign: Selection of new body copy font serves as lesson in readability.” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, fall 2022.
- Wilson, Bradley. (2022, Nov. 7). Shoot-out reflects ‘absolutely stunning images’. College Media Review.
- Wilson, Bradley. (2022, Oct 11). First CMA Confab devoted to building trust in media. College Media Review.
- Wilson, Bradley. (2022, Aug. 15). Teach-in provides education for collegiate, scholastic advisers. College Media Review.
- “‘Disinformation, Dictators and The Undaunted: Covering the Ukraine / Russia War” produced with Elena Eberwein in College Media Review, May 23, 2022.
- “Working with Transgender Students and Their Names in the Scholastic Media” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, summer 2022.
- “Shoot-out Returns to NYC” in College Media Review, March 21, 2022
- “Photographing Prom: Students Learn New Ways of Taking Pictures at Annual Event” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, spring 2022.
- “Pantone’s New Color for 2022 Reflects Societal Challenges” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, spring 2022.
- “The 2021 Words of the Year” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, spring 2022.
- “Wilson Essay: Scholastic Media Document 9/11 from Student Perspective” on AEJMC Journalism History website as part of year-long series available online at https://journalism-history.org/category/9-11-essay-series/. “This essay was selected by a committee of the AEJMC History Division for publication as part of a year-long series looking back at 9/11 on the 20th anniversary of the attacks on America.”
- “Finding the Right Substitute for Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, winter 2021
- “Going Mirrorless” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, winter 2021.
- “A Reflection on Herd on the Street, Drawings of People I see, a Q&A with Steve Rutter” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, fall 2021.
- “Community Newspapers: The Lifeblood of Every Community” in College Media Review, August 2021.
- “Newsroom Staff: Think Inclusively” in College Media Review, June 2021
- “Collegiate photographer: ‘Chase Your Passions and Love What You Do‘” in College Media Review, May 2021
- “Writing Captions” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, summer 2020
- “Words of the Year” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, spring 2020
- “Local Politics” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, spring 2020
- “Flourish” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, winter 2020
- “Scholastic Journalism Law: A New Case (B.L. v. Mahanoy) ” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, winter 2020
- “Photopea” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, winter 2020
- “The Ultimate Prize is the Story: Q&A with Erin Ailworth” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, fall 2020
- “Zoom” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, fall 2020
- “Stylebook updates” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, summer 2020
- “Issuu” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, spring 2020
- “Look different: Al Drago” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, spring 2020
- “Shoot-out participants continue despite COVID-19″ in College Media Review, April 4, 2020.
- “NPR’s Totenberg: “I wanted to be a witness to history‘” in College Media Review, Dec. 3, 2019 complete with photos, photo gallery and sound clip.
- “Photographers challenge themselves during DC Shoot-out” in College Media Review, Nov. 19, 2019 complete with photo gallery.
- First Amendment exercises in Communication: Journalism Education Today, winter 2019
- “Washington Post editor: Press exists to hold government accountable” in College Media Review, Nov. 12, 2019 complete with photos, photo gallery and sound clip.
- “Take it down” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, fall 2019
- “Covering LGBTQ issues fairly and accurately” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, fall 2019
- “Hight reminds student journalists to take care of themselves“ in College Media Review, August 2019
- “WordPress speaks my language“ in College Media Review, August 2019
- “Student photojournalists document city that never sleeps‘” in College Media Review, March 2019
- “Publisher focuses on telling the truth, all aspects of the truth” in College Media Review, March 2019 complete with photos, photo gallery and sound clip
- “Dreams of a Paperless Society” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, spring, 2019: 53(3) p. 3-13
- “Videolicious: It Does One Thing“ in College Media Review, January 2019
- “Photographers Document Gateway to the South“ in College Media Review, November 2018
- “Suicide Coverage a Dilemma for Media” in Communication: Journalism Education Today. winter, 2018: 53(2) p. 3-19
- “Where Do You Stand” in Communication: Journalism Education Today, fall, 2018: 53(1) p. 18-27
- “Interns Offer Advice for Copy Editors” in College Media Review, June 2018
- “Shoot-out Brings Out Best in Photojournalist” in College Media Review, March 2018
- “CMA Convention to be Interactive, Immersive and Hands-on” in College Media Review, March 2018
- “‘The Post’ Inspiration Even for those Not Working in Media” in College Media Review, January 2018
- “42 participate in Dallas photo Shoot-out” in College Media Review, November, 2017
- “Back to School: Students Profiled 20 Years Ago Discuss the Long-Lasting Impact of Collegiate EMS” in Journal of Emergency Medical Services, August 2017
- “2017 more like ‘1984’ than 1984: Survey details collision in classrooms between literature and reality” in College Media Review, February 2017
- “Understanding Hyponatremia Key to EMS Providers at the Country’s Largest Bicycle Race,” Journal of Emergency Medical Services, April, 2013.
- “EMS Providers Treat Patients at Texas’ Hotter ’N Hell’ Hundred Bike Race.” Journal of Emergency Medical Services. April 2013.
- “Hotter ’N Hell Hundred Medical Care.” Texas EMS Magazine. January/February 2013.
- “To Reveal or Not: Yearbook Theme.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Fall, 2012: 36-37.
- “Review: The Newsroom.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Fall, 2012: 38.
- With Marie Parsons. “To Reach More Students and Advisers, States Host Fall Regional Road Shows.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Winter, 2012: 25-27.
- “I Want You.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Winter, 2012: 31-39.
- “Investigative Reporter Cites Patience and Tenacity as Necessary Skills.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Spring, 2013: 38. Print.
- “Top Stories of 2012.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Spring, 2013: 27.
- “Quirky Fun: How Instagram Enhances the Classroom and the Media.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Summer, 2013: 2-6.
- “Sports Illustrated Alters Image.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Summer, 2013: 21.
- “Lessons Worth Noting for College Academics.” Scholastic Source. Scholastic Journalism Division: Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. March, 2014: p. 2. Includes part of panel discussion from AEJMC Scholastic Division in Nashville, Jan. 3-5, 2014.
- “Creative Cloud.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Fall, 2013: 47(1), p. 32-37.
- “Stylebook Update.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Winter, 2013: 47(2), p. 20-21.
- “Selfie.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Spring, 2014: 47(3), p. 11-17.
- “JEA Administrator of the Year.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Spring, 2014: 47(3), p. 20-29.
- “Pantone Color of the Year.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Spring, 2014: 47(3), p. 37.
- “30 Years of Innovation.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Summer, 2014: 47(4), p. 3-24.
- “The Copy Editor Can Save the Day.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Summer, 2014: 47(4), p. 35-41.
- Photographs published in Adviser Update, a publication of the Dow Jones News Fund, Winter, 2015: 55(3)
- “The Power of One.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Fall, 2014: 48(1), p. 3-14.
- With Howard Spanogle. “Food with Style.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Winter, 2014: 48(2), pp. 19-29.
- “The Jaggies.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Winter, 2014: 48(2), p. 33
- “Taking Old-Style Photos.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Winter, 2014: 48(2), p. 17
- “The Education Beat.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Spring, 2015: 48(3), p. 26
- “German Student Offers Tips on Being College Photographer of the Year.” College Media Review, July 14, 2015. Online only at http://cmreview.org/german-student-offers-tips-on-being-college-photographer-of-the-year/
- “Alumni Groups Give Support.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Fall, 2015: 49(1), p. 15
- “For Photojournalists, Internships Are a Must.” College Media Review, Aug. 11, 2015. Online only at http://cmreview.org/photointernships/
- “The Spine.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Fall, 2015: 49(1), pp. 12-13
- “Detail.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Winter, 2015: 49(2), pp. 20-21
- “Work Flow.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Spring, 2016: 49(3), pp. 26-31
- “Top Tweets.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Summer, 2016: 49(4), pp. 12-13
- “Anchors Bring Credibility.” Communication: Journalism Education Today. Summer, 2016: 49(4), pp. 15-29
- There are Smart and Stupid Columns. Which is This? You Decide. A case study of a controversial column in the N.C. State daily newspaper.
- Design with Flair, a 20-page publication on contemporary design trends and techniques, 2002
- “Attack on America: The Local Angle,” 2001
- “Is Film Dead,” published in Taylor Talk, fall 2000
- Day One America, photographs by students of the first day of the new millennium, produced for the Association of Texas Photography Instructors and National Press Photographers Association
- Careers in Photojournalism for the National Press Photographers Association, 1999
- “North Carolina EMS Systems, Local and Federal Agencies Work Together in Post Hurricane Rescue and Relief,” full-length feature article published on www.merginet.com
- Spring Meet Manual, a 192-page manual for all Texas academic spring meet directors and contest directors, and Academic Coordinator’s Manual, a 64-page manual, 1998
- Directory of Campus EMS Organizations published by the National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services Foundation, 1998
- “Readin’ Ritin’ & Respondin’” full-length feature article with photos on college EMS systems published in the national Journal of Emergency Medical Services, June 1997, p. 68
- “A Slice of SU Life: A Newsletter for Students New to the Syracuse University Community,” summer 1997, articles on various university traditions
- “College EMS,” full-length feature article published on www.merginet.com, 1997
- “Command Performance” published in the national Journal of Emergency Medical Services, Sept. 1995, p. 43
- “Oklahoma Blast: A Nation Responds” published in the Texas EMS Magazine, July 1995, p. 21
- Resource Guide and Photojournalism Curriculum Guide published by the Texas Association of Journalism Educators, April 1994
Academic presentations
- “The Pandemic’s First Draft” — virtual 2021 Symposium of the Southwest Education Council for Journalism and Mass Communications Oct. 15-16, 2021.
- “Bringing the Newsroom to the Classroom: Journalism Teachers Find Professional Experience Helps Improve Their Teaching” — at virtual 28th International Conference on Learning, Krakow, Poland, July 7-9, 2021.
- “Ideas That Will Help You Now” — at virtual AEJMC fall convention 2020; part of a panel for scholastic media advisers and the Scholastic Journalism Division Teach-In, I discussed how students can legally get photos during the pandemic; also served as discussant on VisCom panel.
- Presented paper — “Not All Black and White: Print and Video Photojournalists Display Different Ethical Standards” — at peer-reviewed MSU Texas Faculty Forum campus academic forum in Wichita Falls, Texas, Nov. 11, 2019.
- Presented paper — “Photojournalistic Ethical Standards: Print and Video Photographers Disagree” — at Broadcast Education Association — On Location regional convention in Boulder, Colorado, Oct. 11, 2019.
- Presented paper — “It’s About More Than Money: Adviser Qualifications, Racial Makeup of Staff and School Location Predict Scholastic Media Success” — at Southwest Education Council for Journalism and Mass Communication regional convention in Denver, Colorado, Nov. 3, 2018.
- Presented paper — “Coverage of Sports Teams in High School Journalism Programs: Journalism or Public Relations” — at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication national convention in Washington, D.C., Aug. 7, 2018.
- Presented paper — “The Press and Coverage of Overpopulation: Media Ignore the most Important Problem facing the World Today” — at 15th Annual International Conference on Communication and Mass Media, May 8-11, 2017, Athens, Greece. Published paper available online.
- Presented paper as part of panel — “Fast Times at Free Speech High” — at Southern States Communication Association in Austin, Texas, April 7, 2016. “Students do. Monkeys don’t. Texas school board policies, federal copyright laws protect students’ rights” named Top Paper for Free Speech Division.
- Presented paper as part of Midwestern State University Faculty Forum, March 16, 2016. “Students do. Monkeys don’t. Texas school board policies, federal copyright laws protect students’ rights”
- “Students do. Monkeys don’t. Texas school board policies, federal copyright laws protect students’ rights.” Presented peer-reviewed, academic paper at the AEJMC Scholastic Journalism Division, Jan. 8, 2016, Poynter Institute for Media Studies, St. Petersburg, Florida.
- “The Impact of Poverty on Scholastic Journalism,” moderated panel at the AEJMC Scholastic Journalism Division, Jan. 8, 2016, Poynter Institute for Media Studies, St. Petersburg, Florida. Worked with Wendy Wallace of Poynter and panelists Thomas Kaup, adviser, Auburn High School (Washington); Linda Shockley, managing director, Dow Jones News Fund; Andrea Negri, adviser, Alief Hastings High School (Houston, Texas); Gretchen Letterman, Journalism Program Coordinator at Pinellas County Schools; and Kathleen Tobin, adviser, Lakewood High School (St. Petersburg, Florida)
- “All I Needed to Learn about Photojournalism Ethics I Learned in Kindergarten: Lessons from the Boston Marathon” presented at refereed conference, the 2nd annual Cronkite Conference on Media Ethics and Integrity, Nov. 2-4, 2015, Missouri Western State University in St. Joseph, Missouri; top faculty paper award
- “Applying Ethical Principles in the Photojournalism Classroom: A Case Study in Values-based Education in a Student Media Environment” presented at refereed conference: Learning Conference, July 9-11, 2015 in Madrid, Spain.
- “Digital Ethics and the Publication of Graphic Spot News Images: How College-Level Photojournalists Compare to Professionals” and “EMS Denied 15 Minutes of Fame” presented at Midwestern State University Spring 2015 Celebration of Scholarship, April 29, 2015.
- Peer-reviewed presentation of “EMS Denied 15 Minutes of Fame” at Western Political Science Association conference in Las Vegas, April 3, 2015. Also served as chair of one academic panel presentation and discussant on another academic panel presentation.
- Peer-reviewed presentation of “Pre-hospital Healthcare Off the Radar” at American Society for Public Administration national conference in Chicago, Illinois, March 9, 2015.
- Peer-reviewed presentation of “Pre-hospital Healthcare Off the Radar” at AEJMC Mid-winter Conference at the University of Oklahoma, March 6, 2015.
- Moderate panel “Integrating Incident Command into Media Education,” at AEJMC Scholastic Division meeting held at Poynter Institute for Media Studies in St. Petersburg, Florida. Speakers: Brad Dykens, Public Education Officer, City of Seminole Fire Rescue; Kyle Parks, principal, B2 Communications; Brian Eells, director of communications, Sunstar Paramedic; Richard Schomp, director of operations, Sunstar Paramedics.
- Peer-reviewed presentation of “Scholastic Photojournalists and the Publication of Graphic, Spot News Images: A Comparison with Professionals and Media Advisers” presented at AEJMC Scholastic Division meeting held at Poynter Institute for Media Studies in St. Petersburg, Florida, Jan. 6, 2015. Research panel moderated by Eric Thomas, executive director of the Kansas Scholastic Press Association.
- Peer-reviewed paper “All I Needed to Know About Photojournalistic Ethics I Learned in Kindergarten” presented as part of the Visual Communication Division at the AEJMC Midwinter Conference, Feb. 28, 2014, University of Oklahoma. Served as discussant for four presentations made in “The Visual and Culture” session. Paper named “Top Paper Abstract for Visual Communication Division.”
- Served on panel at Midwestern State University with Nathan Jun and John Martinez, that was moderated by Magaly Rincon-Zachary — “Inequality for All,” Feb. 23, 2014. “Inequality for All” is a documentary that follows U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich as he looks to raise awareness of the country’s widening economic gap.
- “A View from the Trenches: What SCHJ Can Do for High School Advisers” panel presentation at the AEJMC Scholastic Journalism Division Mid-Winter Meeting, Jan. 4, 2014, Vanderbilt University, Nashville.
- “The Relationship Between Media Coverage and Policy Outcomes” presented at 70th Annual Midwest Political Science Association conference, April 12 – 15, 2012, Chicago.
- “Small Towns and the Recession” to be presented at the Western Political Science Association conference, March 23, 2012 as part of panel 22.06 “Beer, State and Local Finances, and Regulatory Policy.”
- “The Impact of Media Agenda Setting on Local Governments: Examining the Relationship between Media Coverage and Policy Outcomes” presented at AEJMC Southeast Colloquium, March 9, 2012, Blacksburg, Va.
- “The Impact of Media Agenda Setting on Local Governments” presented at the Western Political Science Association conference, April 21-23, 2011, San Antonio; James Endersby, University of Missouri, chair; Glen Smith, Gainesville State College, discussant.
- “A Profile of North Carolina Collegiate Media” presented at the fall 2009 College Media Advisers convention in Austin, Texas. A research presentation looking at the college media outlets, their budgets and their advisers. Written with graduate student Heath Gardner.
- “From Playboy to Fashion Friday” presented at the fall 2008 College Media Advisers convention in Kansas City. A research presentation looking at the relationship between sources and reporters with Heath Gardner.
- “Three is a Magic Number: A Case Study in the Use of Sources in a Daily Student Newspaper” presented at the fall 2007 College Media Advisers convention in Washington, D.C., with Lee Williams, NCSU graduate student

Got top paper award for SWECJMC presentation in Denver today. Teacher qualifications, school location and racial diversity of school predicted success in scholastic media programs better than revenues or student/teacher ratios. November 3, 2018
Professional and scholarly recognition
- Paper among top six at the virtual Symposium of the fall 2021 Southwest Education Council for Journalism and Mass Communication, “The Pandemic’s First Draft: From the Magnificent to the Murky and the Mundane, Scholastic Media Continue Publishing Despite Closure,” accepted for publication, spring 2022 Southwestern Mass Communication Journal
- Paper among top six at Symposium of the Southwest Education Council for Journalism and Mass Communication, November 2018, Metropolitan State University of Denver
- Top Paper, Free Speech Division, Southern States Communication Association, April 2016
- Top Faculty Paper, Cronkite Conference on Media Ethics and Integrity, November 2015
- Southern Interscholastic Press Association Endowment Speaker, March 4-6, University of South Carolina
- Social Science Research Network: 192 downloads of doctoral dissertation “The Impact of Media Agenda Setting on Local Governments: Examining the Relationship between Media Coverage and Policy Outcomes” posted April 11, 2012. Downloads as of July 1, 2016.
- Named Master Journalism Educator by the Journalism Education Association, fall 2012 renewed in 2017 and 2023.
Creative works completed
- The Best of Texas High School Photography, v.5, editor, spring 2023
- Urinetown: The Musical 2018. Wichita Falls, Texas, 2018. A book documenting the production of the musical of the theater and music departments at MWSU. Edited by Cortney Wood and Brendan Wynne. Content produced by students in the Advanced Reporting class.
- The Best of Texas High School Photography, v.4, editor, fall 2017
- Sweeney Todd 2013. Wichita Falls, Texas, 2012. An 86-page book documenting the production of the musical of the theater department at MWSU. Available at Midwestern State University Special Collections, second floor (TR817 .W45 2013).
- The Best of Texas High School Photography, v.3, editor, fall 2012
Applied research
- Served as faculty mentor for an honors student and another undergraduate student who conducted an original research project on artificial intelligence in photojournalism — “Breaking the illusion: AI-generated images, photojournalism and media credibility.” Presented at the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Forum, Nov. 16, 2023; placed first for oral presentations in our college
- Served as faculty mentor for an honors student in Photojournalism class who conducted an original research project in conjunction with students in his class and students in the art departments Photography II and III classes — “Emotional Impact: Light and Color in Art and Journalism.” Presented at the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Forum, Nov. 18, 2021.
- Served as faculty mentor for students in Media History class who collectively conducted an original research project — “A Picture Becomes an Icon: World Press Champion Image a Symbol of Immigration and the Militarization of the U.S.-Mexico Border” — and presented it at the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Forum, Nov. 21, 2019. Their project received first place for Best Oral Presentation for the College of Fine Arts.
- Served as faculty mentor for Cortney White and Brendan Wynne, Fain College of Fine Arts — “Urinetown: Behind the Scenes” presented at the Celebration of Scholarship at Midwestern State University in the spring of 2018. Their project received first place for Best Oral Presentation for the College of Fine Arts.
- Served as EURECA faculty mentor for Careisha Whyte and Catherine Stepniak, Mass Communication, Sociology, Fain College of Fine Arts, Prothro-Yeager College of Humanities and Social Sciences — “Developing a New Newsletter for Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology” along with Mr. Newman Wong. Awards: At the Celebration of Scholarship in the spring of 2016, their project received first place for Best Poster Presentation for both Prothro-Yeager College of Humanities & Social Sciences and the Fain College of Fine Arts.
Professional involvements
- Peer reviewed paper for Social Science Journal, June 2024
- Peer reviewed two faculty extended abstracts for the College Media Association panel of Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, May 2024
- Peer reviewed eight faculty papers, four for the Scholastic Journalism Division of Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication and four for the Visual Communication of Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, April 2024
- Peer reviewed one faculty paper for Southwestern Mass Communication Journal, January 2024
- Peer reviewed two faculty papers for open division of AEJMC Southeast Colloquium, December 2023
- Peer reviewed two faculty papers and one student paper for the Scholastic Journalism Division of AEJMC, April 2023
- Peer reviewed paper for Social Science Journal, April 2023
- Peer reviewed one extended abstract and two full papers for the Southwest Education Council for Journalism and Mass Communication, July 2022
- Peer reviewed two full papers and two extended abstracts for the Visual Communication Division of AEJMC for fall national conference, April 2022
- Peer reviewed two papers for Athens Institute for Education and Research, December 2021
- Peer reviewed paper for Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications, August 2021
- Peer reviewed paper for Social Science Journal, August 2021
- Peer reviewed one teaching pedagogy submission for the Southwest Education Council for Journalism and Mass Communication 2021, July 2021.
- Peer reviewed two full papers and two extended abstracts for the Visual Communication Division of AEJMC for fall national conference, April 2021
- Peer reviewed one paper for Social Science Journal, April 2021
- Peer reviewed one paper for Social Science Journal, February 2021
- Peer reviewed four papers for the Visual Communication Division for the 46th annual AEJMC Southeast Colloquium, January 2021
- Peer reviewed one paper for Social Science Journal, November 2020
- Peer reviewed one paper for Social Science Journal, summer 2020
- Peer reviewed one paper for the Journal of Emergency Medical Services, June 2020
- Peer reviewed one paper for Social Science Journal, spring 2020
- Peer reviewed four papers for AEJMC Visual Communication Division, April 2020
- Peer reviewed three papers for AEJMC Southeast Colloquium Visual Communication Division, winter 2020
- Peer reviewed paper for Social Science Journal, fall 2019
- Peer reviewed paper for Social Science Journal, spring 2019
- Peer reviewed paper for Social Science Journal, winter 2019
- Peer reviewed paper for College Media Review, fall 2018
- Peer reviewed paper for the Symposium of the Southwest Education Council for Journalism and Mass Communication, summer 2018
- Peer reviewed paper for the Social Science Journal, summer 2018
- Peer reviewed paper for Athens Journal of Mass Media & Communications, spring 2018
- Peer reviewed paper for the Social Science Journal, spring 2018
- Peer reviewed paper for College Media Review journal, fall 2017
- Peer reviewed papers for Peninsula College Press journal, fall 2013
- Associate editor, The Learner Collection, reviewed “Developing a Health Promoting Intervention in Support of Grade 4-6 Learners in a Resource-Constrained Community,” May 28, 2015
- Associate editor, The Learner Collection; reviewed “Study on Learning Resources and Social Skill of Education Students in Silpakorn University,” May 27, 2015
- Reviewed academic papers for AEJMC Scholastic Division, spring 2016 in advance of fall national AEJMC conference in Minneapolis
Grant writing and acquisition
- Applied for and received Dow Jones News Fund grant to fund the Center for Editing Excellence at the University of Texas in 2015 ($30,300), 2016 ($30,300), 2017 ($33,860), 2018 ($30,622), 2019 ($32,000), 2020 ($19,400), 2021 ($19,275)
- Assisted Wichitan Editor Ethan Metcalf obtain funding from campus sources to attend national collegiate media conference in New York City, spring 2015
- Created summer workshop — Beat the Heat — hosted at Midwestern State University, funded by registration fees from conference attendees, summer 2013
- Created Media Monday with contributions from Walsworth Publishing, Balfour Publishing and other media entities that funded pizza and drinks for high school students, high school advisers, MWSU students and others at the continuing education event, spring 2013, fall 2014, spring 2014.