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Other Activities
Texas University Interscholastic League Current Issues and Events state contest director, 2014-present | Created Twitter (@uilciande) and Facebook accounts to build community around this academic contest. Taught sessions at Student Activity Conferences around the state and Capital Conference in Austin. Produced contest manual for Hexco. Wrote invitational A&B exams, district exam, regional exam and state exam. Coordinated judging at state contest in Austin. Participation in 2019: 3,691 students at district, 1,088 at region and 217 at state.
Created new copy editing contest for academics division. Wrote and piloted test for three years. Became official UIL contest in 2019. Taught sessions at Student Activity Conferences around the state and Capital Conference in Austin. Wrote invitational A&B exams, district exam, regional exam and state exam. Coordinated judging at state contest in Austin.
College Media Association and Associated Collegiate Press photojournalism programming coordinator, coordinator of on-site photo contest | Coordinated on-site photo adventures, including those in New York City (2023), Washington, D.C. (2022), New York City (2022), New York City (2020), Washington, D.C. (2019), Louisville, Kentucky (2018), New York City (2018), Dallas (2017), Washington, D.C. (2016), New York City (2016), Austin (2015), New York City (2015), Philadelphia (2014), New York City (2014), New Orleans (2013), New York City (2013), Chicago (2012), Orlando (2011), Louisville (2010), Austin (2009), Kansas City (2008) and Washington, D.C. (2007). Coordinated speakers on photojournalism at national conventions in New York City, Austin and other cities.
College Media Association, editor, College Media Review | served as editor of online magazine for two years (2022-2023) working with volunteer freelance writers to produce stories and other content
Journalism Education Association editor — 1998-current | Edited publications for this national journalism association consisting of more than 2,000 members worldwide. Communication: Journalism Education Today: quarterly journal containing articles on all aspects of journalism, everything from reporting, writing and editing to advertising sales and design. Supervised solicitation of all content, completed design and production camera ready on disk to printer using state-of-the-art Macintosh desktop-publishing tools. Coordinated on-site photography contests for national convention that included an average of 233 students per convention. Worked with outside consultants to move photo contests online. Reorganized contests as the profession evolved moving to contests that are independent of media.
- Master Journalism Educator certification, initial 2012, renewed 2017 and 2023
- Southern Interscholastic Press Association Beth Dickey Distinguished Service Award, 2008
- North Carolina Scholastic Media Association Distinguished Service Award, 2008
- Journalism Education Association Carl Towley Award, 2006
- Journalism Education Association Medal of Merit, 1996
Association of Texas Photography Instructors senior consultant — 1996-current | First state-wide organization devoted solely to improving the quality of photography instruction. Coordinated fall/winter conference, the first conference developed solely for high school photographers. Organized summer workshop for instructors only. Edited newsletter. Chaired board meetings. Developed membership and conference registration databases. Served as vice president, president and past present beginning in 1993. Received ATPI’s highest award, the Star of Texas, in 1999.
- Created, edited and produced five volumes of The Best of Texas Scholastic Photography
- In 2024, conceptualized and implemented photo contest around the eclipse. READ MORE.
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, division head, Scholastic Journalism Division, 2023-2024 | coordinated day-long workshop, the Teach-In, prior to national conference; coordinated research sessions and other activities of division with a team of volunteers
North Carolina College Media Association Assisted with the creation of a statewide college media association and served as the organization’s chair for five years. NCCMA hosted its second convention at N.C. State in 2009, its fifth at Winston Salem State University in 2012 and started a statewide contest for college students in 2010.
Cary Area EMS — 1999-2012 North Hays County EMS; Wimberley EMS — 1997-1999 Syracuse University Ambulance — 1996-1997 Wimberley Emergency Medical Services — 1990-1992 Worked as volunteer and paid medic in these rural EMS services serving the local area with mutual-aid into surrounding areas. Handled incident command on various scenes in addition to running routine calls. Developed media (public relations and advertising) campaigns. Wrote press releases including crisis communication. Served on board of directors for Wimberley EMS for which duties included authoring new set of bylaws and state charter. Developed bi-monthly training program — “Super Scenario Sunday” — for new medics and taught Explorer class. CLICK HERE
Raleigh Concert Band — 1999 – 2001 President, Webmaster, euphonium player Austin Symphonic Band — 1997-1999 Euphonium player Coppell Symphonic Band Sept. 1993-June 1996 Promotions manager, euphonium player, guest conductor Wimberley Community Band — December 1990-August 1992 Promotions manager, euphonium player Handled media relations for community bands in Raleigh, Coppell and Wimberley. Developed media campaigns including advertising in local newspapers, on radio stations and through posters.
- Quill and Scroll fall 2024 (judged two photography categories with hundreds of entries in this international competition)
- Associated Collegiate Press fall 2024 (judged Pacemaker competition)
- Education Writers Association, March 2024 (judged data reporting/visualization and visual storytelling categories in national contest for professional journalists with three other judges, all professional journalists)
- UIL junior high editorial contest for districts in Wichita Falls area, December 2023 (provided individualized critiques for sixth, seventh and eighth graders)
- Midwestern State University Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Forum, November 2023 (judged undergraduate oral presentations and poster research presentations)
- Associated Collegiate Press, September 2023 (judged Pacemaker contest)
- Kansas Collegiate Media, March 2023 (provided individualized critiques and ratings for five college online news publications in Kansas)
- Associated Collegiate Press critique service, March 2023 (provided in-depth critique for a college newspaper)
- UIL District Meets in districts for City View, Graham, Archer City and Burkburnett, March 2023 (worked with two other judges at each of the four meets to provide individual commentary on each entry in various UIL academic contests including social studies, current issues and events, newswriting, editorial writing, feature writing, headline writing and copy editing)
- Education Writers Association’s National Awards for Education Reporting, February 2023 (judged 15 entries from small and large professional media outlets)
- Ohio Scholastic Media Association, February 2023 (judged 158 entries in nine yearbook and newspaper photo contests)
- Holliday High School Invitational, February 2023 (judged UIL invitational meet, including copy editing, social studies, newswriting, feature writing, headline writing, editorial writing and current issues and events)
- Associated Collegiate Press Fall Clips and Clicks, January 2023 (judged entries in national infographic contest)
- Archer City Invitational, January 2023 (judged UIL invitational contest meet — newswriting, feature writing, editorial writing, headline writing, copy editing, social studies essay)
- Associated Collegiate Press, September 2022 (judged top national Pacemaker contest with team; judged websites for small and large schools)
- National Scholastic Press Association, August 2022 (judged entries in national photography contest for individual photographers)
- Oklahoma College Media Association, March 2022 (judged front page design, interior page design, online newspaper, overall newspaper, multimedia storytelling and reporting portfolio in this statewide college media contest)
- National Scholastic Press Association, March 2022 (judged entries in Innovation Pacemaker and, with partner judge, chose top winners in this national contest)
- Kansas Collegiate Media, February 2022 (judged overall website in this statewide college media contest with a partner judge)
- Ohio Scholastic Media Association, February 2022 (150 images in photography categories of this statewide contest)
- Southern Interscholastic Press Association, Feb. 24, 2022 (judged entries in this regional scholastic photojournalism competition in four categories: news, academics, sports reaction and clubs)
- Education Writers Association, Feb. 22, 2022 (judged 18 entries in national professional writing contest; selected top entries with other judges)
- Missouri Interscholastic Press Association, Feb. 22, 2022 (judged and provided personal critiques for 48 student entries in sports reaction image recognizing 17 with awards from Best of Show to Honorable Mention)
- Wyoming Journalist of the Year, Feb. 17, 2022 (judged student entries in the statewide journalist of the year and selected top entry for advancement to national JOY competition)
- Holliday ISD UIL Invitational Meet, Feb. 12, 2022 (judged current issues and events, newswriting, feature writing, editorial writing, headline writing, copy editing and social studies)
- UIL District Editorial Writing, December 2021 (judged sixth, seventh and eighth grade editorials)
- National Scholastic Press Association, November 2021 (judged Best of Show competition at national virtual conference)
- Associated Collegiate Press, August 2021 (judged more than 80 individual entries in national contest ranking top 10 for recognition)
- Oregon Journalism Education Association, May 2021 (judged 42 design and photography entries providing written critiques and rating for each one)
- Association of Texas Photography Instructors, May 2021 (coordinated the judging of 960 images from high school students in the ATPI Rising Star competition and Hal Fulgham Award (photojournalism and art) including moderating three judges and selecting top entries)
- Wichita Falls Better Business Bureau 2021 BBB Video Contest, March 2021 (judged videos submitted by local high schools for this area contest)
- Archer City District UIL, March 2021 (critiqued and judged newswriting, feature writing, editorial writing, headlines and copy editing)
- Associated Collegiate Press, March 2021 (judged Best of Show entries in four-year newspaper category)
- Burkburnett District UIL, March 2021 (critiqued and judged newswriting, feature writing, editorial writing, headlines and social studies)
- Holliday ISD UIL Invitational, March 2021 (critiqued and judged more than 50 high school journalism and ranked top entires)
- Ohio Scholastic Media Association, February 2021 (judged and wrote personalized critiques for 109 entries in high school photography competitions)
- Education Writers Association, January 2021 (judged visual storytelling category of Best Education Reporting of 2020)
- Association of Texas Photography Instructors Fall Contest, Beginning and Advanced B&W Darkroom Print division with Leah Gose, chair, Art Department Midwestern State University (ranked top entries in two categories (beginning and advanced))
- Archer City UIL Invitational, December 2020 (critiqued and judged 42 middle school entries in Editorial Writing and ranked top entires)
- Quill & Scroll Honor Society, November 2020 (judged 167 individual entries in yearbook coverage and awarded top honors)
- Associated Collegiate Press, October 2020 (judged Innovation Pacemaker national award; selected from seven Pacemaker finalists the entries to receive a Pacemaker, the highest national award, after interviews with each staff)
- Associated Collegiate Press, October 2020 (judged two categories of multimedia design for top national awards, 100+ entries from colleges/universities all over the world)
- Associated Collegiate Press, September 2020 (judged one category of Pacemaker, the highest national award given by the association)
- National Scholastic Press Association, April 2020 (judged more than 70 national Best of Show entries related to COVID-19 online after national convention was canceled)
- Nebraska School Activities Association, March 2020 (provided individual critiques for 23 newspaper designs and ranked for statewide contest)
- Ohio Scholastic Media Association, March 2020 (provided individual critiques to 150 photojournalists in eight statewide photography contests)
- Southern Interscholastic Press Association (judged photo portfolio, sports reaction and student life contests in regional scholastic contest)
- Associated Collegiate Press, February 2020 (judged Best of Show in website design at national conference in San Francisco)
- Interscholastic League Press Conference, January 2020 (provided in-depth written critiques for four high school yearbooks)
- Junior high UIL editorial contest, December 2019 (provided written critiques on each of 51 entries and ranked them for area contest)
- Quill & Scroll, November 2019 (judged 198 individual entries in yearbook student life and yearbook index, giving annotations for top placing entries)
- Associated Collegiate Press, November 2019 (judged Best of Show entries at national convention in multimedia and website design)
- National Scholastic Press Association, September 2019 (judged national Pacemaker competition for scholastic websites)
- Broadcast Education Association, August 2019 (judged on-location entries for 2019 Super-Regional conference including education and news broadcast entries)
- Texas Ranch Roundup, August 2019 (judged professional photography with two others)
- Associated Collegiate Press, March 2019 (judged Best of Show entries for large-school websites at national convention in San Diego)
- Business Professionals of America, March 2019 (judged promotional photography in national contest online)
- Southern Interscholastic Press Association regional contest, February 2019 (judged photo entries in pictorial and student life photo in this regional contest)
- Burkburnett Invitational UIL meet, February 2019 (judged all five journalism contests — copy editing, news writing, feature writing, editorial writing and headline writing with one other person)
- Ohio Scholastic Media Association statewide contest, February 2019 (judged and wrote personalized, individual critiques for 189 entries in nine contests including news photography and yearbook sports)
- Kansas Scholastic Press Association Journalist of the Year, February 2019 (judged and provided in-depth written critiques of nine portfolio submissions for statewide contest; winner advance to national contest)
- Junior High UIL, December 2018 (judged and provided written comments on each of about 60 entries in editorial writing)
- Quill and Scroll National Honor Society, November 2018 (judged almost 200 individual entries in this two categories of this national yearbook contest, student life and index, recognizing top 10 percent of the entries)
- National Scholastic Press Association, September 2018 (judged individual entries in Multimedia Feature Story Package and Interactive Graphic for this national scholastic contest)
- Florida Scholastic Press Association, June 2018 (served on panel of judges that traveled to Tampa, Florida, for one day to rank and comment on all Florida high school and middle school yearbook submitted to statewide contest)
- Oklahoma College Media Association, March 2018 (judged statewide college media contests for magazine and yearbook providing individualized critique in numerous contests)
- Missouri Journalism Education Association, March, 2018 (judged state feature photography contests and picked two award recipients)
- Indiana Collegiate Press Association contests, March, 2018 (judged best animation, best audio slideshow, best Facebook page, best overall website, best website design, best podcast, best slideshow and best video for statewide contest)
- Associated Collegiate Press, March, 2018 (judged Best of Show entries in small school websites at national convention in Long Beach, California)
- Southern Interscholastic Press Association, February, 2018 (judged entries in four photography categories — computer special effects, news, sports and portfolio — in regional photography competition)
- Burkburnett UIL Invitational, February, 2018 (judged newswriting, feature writing, headline writing, editorial writing and copy editing for this UIL practice meet)
- Ohio Scholastic Media Association, February, 2018 (judged 181 entries in 10 categories in statewide photography competition)
- Business Professionals of America, February, 2018 (judged national Promotional Photography competition)
- Kansas Scholastic Press Association, February, 2018 (judged statewide Journalist of the Year competition)
- Junior High UIL, November, 2017 (judged editorial writing for three grade levels: 6,7,8; about 15 entries each)
- Quill and Scroll, November 2017 (judged 179 entries in yearbook student life and yearbook index categories)
- Associated Collegiate Press, October 2017 (judged Multimedia Package in Best of Show competition at national convention in Dallas)
- 37th Annual Texas Ranch Roundup, August 2017 (judged photography with other community members)
- Virginia High School League, December 2016, February 2017, April 2017 (judged websites with in-depth critiques for this statewide scholastic association)
- Hawaii Publishers Association, 32nd Annual Pa’i Awards, April 2017 (judged sports photography, essay photography and visitor publication photography for this professional association)
- Oklahoma Collegiate Media Association, March 2017 (judged overall yearbook)
- Jostens Yearbook Photo Contest, March 2017 (judged almost 1,600 entries in international photo contest; ultimately work with team to select grand champion)
- UIL District Competition, March 22, 2017 (judged news, feature, headline, editorial writing and copy editing with written critiques on each entry from high schools all over North Texas; hosted at Midwestern State University)
- UIL District Competition, March 21, 2017 (judged news, feature, headline, editorial writing and copy editing with written critiques on each entry from high schools all over North Texas; hosted at Burkburnett High School)
- Missouri Journalism Education Association, March 2017 (judged entries in statewide photo contest in portrait and news categories)
- Indiana Collegiate Press Association, February 2017 (judged entires in College Journalist of the Year statewide contest)
- Business Professionals Association, February 2017 (judged entries in national scholastic photo contest)
- Quill and Scroll, December 2016 (judged 190 entries in student life and yearbook index categories, providing critiques of top entries and for overall category)
- Junior high district University Interscholastic League editorial writing contest (judged sixth, seventh and eighth grade, providing written critiques on each entry)
- Indiana Collegiate Press Association, November 2016 (judged sports writing, editorial writing, feature writing, news writing and photography)
- 36th Annual Texas Ranch Roundup, August 2016 (judged photography)
- Texas Ranch Roundup, Aug. 20, 2016 (judged amateur photo contest with images from various ranches around Texas with two other judges, both from local newspaper)
- Hawaii Publishers Association, 31st Annual Pa’i Awards, April 2016 (judged sports photography, travel photography and photo stories for this professional association)
- Oklahoma Collegiate Media Association, March 2016 (judged feature photography and portfolios for statewide college media contest providing individual critiques for each image or set of images)
- Indiana Collegiate Press Association, March 2016 (judged college yearbooks in various categories including overall excellence, theme and photography providing commentary on each section)
- Florida Scholastic Press Association, February 2016 (judged Florida Journalist of the Year competition, selecting the student journalist of the year in statewide competition)
- Kansas Scholastic Press Association, February 2016 (judge Kansas Journalist of the Year competition, selecting, with three other judges, the student journalist of the year in statewide competition)
- Southern Interscholastic Press Association, February 2016 (judged 50 photos in four categories for regional competition)
- Ohio Scholastic Media Association, February 2016 (judged 161 entries in this statewide competition, providing individual feedback on each image in four categories, sports photo, feature photo, news photo and photo story)
- Texas Interscholastic League Press Conference, December 2015 (provided in-depth written critique, annotation and rating for seven high school yearbooks for statewide contest)
- Quill and Scroll, December 2015 (judged 230 entries in student life and yearbook index categories)
- Texas Association of Journalism Educators, Oct. 18, 2015 (judged on-site photo contest in San Antonio, Texas)
- Texas Ranch Roundup, Aug. 15, 2015 (judged amateur photo contest with images from various ranches around Texas with two other judges, both from local newspaper)
- North Carolina Scholastic Media Association, May 20-23, 2015 (provided in-depth written critiques and ratings for scholastic publications in North Carolina)
- Texas Interscholastic League Press Conference, March 30, 2015 (provided in-depth written critique and rating for five high school newspapers for statewide contest)
- Florida Scholastic Press Association, March 2015 (judged entries in statewide Journalist of the Year
- Hawaii Publishers Association’s 30th Annual Pai Awards, March 20, 2015 (judged visitor publication photography, sports photography and photo essay with online ranking system as part of statewide contest for professional photojournalists)
- College Media Association Apple Awards, March 14, 2015 (judged 15 individual Tweets for on-site “Best Tweet” in New York City as part of national convention)
- Oklahoma College Media Association, March 2015 (judged 24 individual news photography entries in three rating divisions providing individual, written critiques for each entry)
- Ohio Scholastic Media Association, February 2015 (judged 172 individual photography entries for statewide contest in four categories: news, feature, sports and photo story providing individual, written critiques for each entry)
- Kansas Scholastic Press Association, February 2015 (judged 16 entries in three classes for statewide journalist of the year along with three other judges: Kathy Craghead, Linda Puntney and Chris Bacon; provided detailed evaluation of each portfolio on eight separate categories with comments on each)
- Sponsors of School Publications of Greater St. Louis, February 2015 (judged nearly 100 individual photography entries in news and feature photography providing an individual, one-page critique for each one)
- Quill and Scroll, December 2014 (judged hundreds of entries in student life and yearbook index)
- National Scholastic Press Association, November 2014 (judged national Best of Show entries in online media)
- Texas Interscholastic League Press Conference, April 2014 (judged and critiqued high school newspapers for statewide contest)
- Hawaii Publishers Association, March 2014 (judged professional entries in this statewide contest)
- Florida Scholastic Press Association, March 2014 (judged entries in statewide Journalist of the Year)
- Ohio Scholastic Media Association, February 2014 (judged individual photography and advertising entries in statewide contest)
- St. Louis Sponsors of Student Publications, February 2014 (judged individual photography entries in statewide contest)
- National Scholastic Press Association, January 2014 (judged national Pacemaker entries as part of panel)
- Texas Association of Journalism Educators, September 2013 (judged individual photography portfolios in statewide contest)
- Florida Scholastic Press Association, September 2013 (judged individual photographs in statewide contest through BNC)
- Garden State Scholastic Press Association, July 2013 (judged individual awards in this newspaper contest)
- Florida Scholastic Press Association, June 2013 (critiqued and judged yearbooks for this state press association)
- North Carolina Scholastic Media Association, May 2013 (critiqued and judged yearbooks for this state press association, including selecting books for the state’s top award)
- Michigan Interscholastic Press Association, April 2013 (judged websites for state press association)
- Texas Interscholastic League Press Conference, March 2013 (judged high school newspapers and multimedia with full critique in statewide contests)
- Florida Scholastic Press Association, March 2013 (judged high school newspapers with full critique in statewide contest)
- Oklahoma College Media Association, March 2013 (judged multimedia entries in two divisions of statewide contest)
- Hawaii Publishers Association, 28th annual Pai Awards, spring 2013 (judged two categories for this statewide professional media competition)
- National Scholastic Press Association and Associated Collegiate Press, fall 2013 (judged national Pacemaker competition)
- Iowa High School Press Association, fall 2012 (judged six yearbooks in statewide contest)
- National Quill & Scroll individual contests, fall 2012 (judged hundreds of individual entries in four yearbook contests)
- Texas University Interscholastic League, fall 2012 (critiqued and judged high-school yearbooks, rating them and recommending for statewide recognition)
- Association of Texas Photography Instructors, fall 2012 (judged on three-member panel, more than 3,500 images for statewide, scholastic contest)
- Florida Scholastic Press Association, fall 2012 (judged multimedia entries for statewide, scholastic competition)
- Nebraska High School Press Association, fall 2012
- Garden State Scholastic Press Association, fall 2012